Thea Dwelle Thea is a wine writer and wine blogger who was one of the original Wine Bloggers Conference attendees, and one of a handful of passionate bloggers who has attended every WBC. Blogging sine 2008, she is well known in the wine blogging community as a wine blogger community activist, WBC enthusiast, as well as co-founding the Wine… Read more →
Tag: Topic
Hugo Mesquita Hugo has been passionate about wine since childhood. Over the last 20 years he moved on to working closely with wines, better said, “on top” of wines, while working for Amorim, the world leader for natural closures for drinks with 1,5 centuries of existence. Hugo studied simultaneous interpretation, which opened his appetite for learning more idioms,… Read more →
Wine & Lifestyle
Alison Marriott Alison believes that wine should be a part of enjoying both the everyday and special occasions. Whether over candlelit dinners, on back porches, with friends in remote corners of the world, or during life’s biggest celebrations, Alison embraces the Bon Vivant lifestyle with gusto. Hospitality and entertaining are deeply ingrained values stemming from Alison’s long line of… Read more →
Christine Havens Christine is a wine writer and former winemaker who has become a Vivino power user with over 30,000 followers largely thanks to her wine ratings. An early adopter, Christine has been sharing her reviews with fellow users since the app hit the US market in late fall 2011. She also frequently contributes articles and wine pairing recommendations… Read more →

Old White Wine
Wayne Young Marketing manager and head-roadie for the Bastianich Winery in Friuli Venezia Giulia, Wayne Young has been involved with wine for almost 25 years. Starting off at Wine Spectator in New York, then moving to the service sector at Joe Bastianich’s “Becco” in 1996 as Sommelier, a new horizon was presented to him in 1998 to work a… Read more →
François Demouy Reims: in the heart of Champagne from Fabien Laine on Vimeo. François is a #winelover from controlled origin. Born in Reims, son of a famous local Historian specialized, amongst other things, in the history of wine, François grew up in the middle of the Champagne vineyards. He started his wine education at 8 years old, listening first and then tasting and learning with his father.… Read more →
Wine & Storytelling
Cathy Huyghe Cathy believes that wine is a pleasure and a treat, and that it wants to be enjoyed. She also believes that wine is mysterious and powerful, and that it wants to be respected. That’s the balance she tries to strike in the stories she tells about wine. Respect on one hand, pleasure on the other. The work… Read more →
Richard Auffrey Richard, a licensed attorney and life-long resident of Massachusetts, has been involved in food and drink writing for nearly ten years, both freelance and through his blog, The Passionate Foodie ( He is also a Certified Sake Professional, acting as a Sake educator and consultant. From Sake 101 classes to Sake-paired dinners, Richard is trying to spread his knowledge and passion for this… Read more →
Carolyn Bánfalvi Carolyn first fell in love with a Hungarian, and then with the country. Originally from Washington DC, she has been living in Budapest for 12 years, and loves life in Budapest. She has been enthusiastically exploring the food and wines of Hungary ever since first visiting the country in the late-1990s, and enjoys sharing what she learns with… Read more →
Good Value Wines
Jon Thorsen The #winelover and blogger behind Reverse Wine Snob, Jon Thorsen, devoted to spreading the message that wine doesn’t have to be expensive to be good. Author of the book by the same name. Reverse Wine Snob is consistently rated in the top 5 of several rankings measuring social and web influence. His mission is to introduce more… Read more →