Open letter to the Sommeliers Choice Awards:
Fellow members of the Sommeliers Choice Awards,
Yesterday I found out via a posting on Facebook that I was included on your “Top Wine Influencers In 2019 You Need to Pay Attention To.”
So let me start where I should: Thank you very very much for including me.
This was greatly appreciated. However, my first thought (and actually, my first comment on the post) was that I didn’t deserve to be part of a list that include incredible figures of the wine industry, such as @Conrad & Drew Lambert (The Wine Wankers), Jancis Robinson, Julien Miquel, Jon Thorsen, Jessica Altieri, Kelly A. Mitchell, Jeff Kralik, Tim Atkin MW, Julie Brosterman, and Jamie Goode (to name just the ten “stars” ahead of me — as you know, I was nominated #11).
Here’s the full list:…/top-wine-influencers-i…
At any rate, this is my plead to have my name replaced by “#winelovercommunity.” They (in fact, we) are the ones who really deserve it. If it’s true that I should be on your list, it’s only because I have the amazing support of thousands of people. Thousands of people who love wine and that support this incredible community.
Thank you in advance,
Luiz Alberto, founder of the #winelover community.

Long live the #winelover community!!!