Category: News

Open letter to the Sommeliers Choice Awards

Open letter to the Sommeliers Choice Awards: Fellow members of the Sommeliers Choice Awards, Yesterday I found out via a posting on Facebook that I was included on your “Top Wine Influencers In 2019 You Need to Pay Attention To.” So let me start where I should: Thank you very very much for including me. This was greatly appreciated. However, my… Read more →

Worlds best sommelier 2016

I sat through a fab night looking at the Association de la Sommellerie Internationale (AIS) final – the world best sommelier final at youtube. I must say I loved it – then again I am a wine nerd and not a normal wine consumer. The #winelover community wants to gives our warmest congratulations to Arvid Rosengren, Sweden’s second world champion… Read more →

#winelover Anniversary 2015 – Lisbon & Alentejo

We will be celebrating the 3rd anniversary of the #winelover community in Portugal this year. The program will start on Wednesday 11th February (people can arrive during the day – morning is preferential!) and end on Sunday 15th after lunch. (more details coming soon). Be there! It will be #epic! Cheers! Your hosts, Ana Sofia de Oliveira Celma Carreira Andre… Read more →

#SaveLugana campaign – Help for the future #winelover !

#winelover for #SaveLugana #saveLugana – sign the petition here! The #winelover community are #Luganalover-s – are you? The#winelover  community is growing in number as a group and as a community. Today we are more than 18000 strong on Facebook, but there are also growing in numbers using the hashtag on twitter, instagram and on blogs and webpages. When we announced the… Read more →