Great news! We are now also on Instagram! In addition to info about hangouts, charities, special tastings, upcoming events, etc., we regularly select a sampling of the most exciting news posted here on our #wineloverfbcommunity to share with our IG community as well! So if you post something cool here, chances are your story will end up in our IG… Read more →
Category: Homepage Slideshow

#SaveLugana campaign – Help for the future #winelover !
#winelover for #SaveLugana #saveLugana – sign the petition here! The #winelover community are #Luganalover-s – are you? The#winelover community is growing in number as a group and as a community. Today we are more than 18000 strong on Facebook, but there are also growing in numbers using the hashtag on twitter, instagram and on blogs and webpages. When we announced the… Read more →

Nemea Wine Tour 2014 the Movie
Nemea Wine Tour 2014 took place earlier this year in June, organized by Ted Lelekas (a great #winelover and ambassador of Greek wines) and some great wine producers. Greece make some tremendous wines and some countries should be envious of it’s diversity and richness of grape varieties. This is what this great short 25 minutes movie plans to reveal you. 4 intense days, 29… Read more →

A great new discovery: The best wines from Lugana age amazingly well.
I spent a few days in Lugana (south of Lake Garda, Italy) with a group of #winelover-s and I had the chance to taste many wines of the region. From the freshest bottles of the 2013 vintage (which I knew quite well) to aged bottles of the 70′s and 80′s (that I had never had before) and everything in between. … Read more →

#winelover tour Hungary
Our #winelover week in Hungary couldn’t have started any better. Blue skies and crisp air… the excitement of being in the legendary Tokaj region and the opportunity to taste the wines from one of the best producers made our hearts beat faster… Yulia Tatarintseva: Feeling at the top of the world. A walk in the vineyards and we got to understand… Read more →