Author: Magnus Reuterdahl

Worlds best sommelier 2016

I sat through a fab night looking at the Association de la Sommellerie Internationale (AIS) final – the world best sommelier final at youtube. I must say I loved it – then again I am a wine nerd and not a normal wine consumer. The #winelover community wants to gives our warmest congratulations to Arvid Rosengren, Sweden’s second world champion… Read more →

To Scandy with wine

The #winelover community now have specialists, we evolve as a community! My speciality is Wine & Archaeology, as I am a winelover but also an archaeologist.   Being a specialist I think we should be used. Hence, I challenge my fellow #winelover specialist colleagues to share a post or posts on their speciality on this webpage.   This article is on wine &… Read more →

Winelovers do Alentejo – the 3rd anniversary of the #winelover community

The world’s a stage and the #winelover stage is the wines, the wineries and the wine regions. For a few days in february during the 3rd anniversary of the #winelover community Alentejo and Lisbon was our stage. On the trip to Alentejo we were about 50 #winelover-s. We give a big thank you to Amorim, Herdade do Esporão, Cortes de… Read more →