Okay, let’s get the bad news out straight away. Alcohol, even wine, increases the risk of breast cancer in a dose dependent manner. That last bit means that the more alcohol one drinks, the higher the risk. As #winelovers, it’s important that we are aware of those risks, even as we enjoy wine while trying to reduce… Read more →
Tag: Patrick Farrell MD MW

Who is the most stylish #winelover in our community?
Picture by Fabien Laine during the Adegga Summer Wine Market 2013 The stylish wars: Vote for the most stylish #winelover in our community. Style may refer to: Fashion, a prevailing mode of expression, e.g., clothing Human physical appearance Hairstyle The way someone holds a glass or bottle of wine… or something else… Celebrating and promoting the ambassadors of the… Read more →

#winelovers and #winesnobs: What’s the difference?
I started this discussion on twitter yesterday: If a #winelover reads a large number of #wine books… will he become a #winesnob? Best answer so far: “The #winesnob is associated with #pretentiousness & not #knowledge.” Mia Anzola Then I asked on Facebook: “But what do you think?” I got many very good comments, so I decided to make it… Read more →